Sunday, December 18, 2016


Hello everyone! It is Winter break for the next two weeks so I hope Myself and all my friends have a Merry Christmas!
I would like to wish my friends of different faiths to have a Happy Holidays season as many others are celebrating this time of year as well.
As we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ; may we all have peace and love in our hearts and in our lives. Those who do not have anyone at this time to celebrate with come join us this Christmas Sunday at any House of Worship and everyone in which ever building you go to, you will have many new Brothers and Sisters too call family, because are we not all Children of God? If we are, then we are brothers and sisters just as we are taught in the Bible. We may have different Earthly parents, but I believe we all have the same Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in heaven.
I send my love to all my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

It is almost over! Fall Semester 2016 Bring on Winter 2017

Last week people for Fall Semester with 2weeks off before Starting Winter Semester with 5 classes. 14 credits.
Below is a link to a slide show of my brochure for My Comm130 class with my projects and see what I should change to use it for promoting my self.
Honesty will make me abetter Designer.

Here is the link.
Kevins Slideshow for his Portfolio Project
Enjoy the viewing and see you next semester if not before that.

I also have a Powerpoint my grpoup worked on for religouis Intolerance if people want me to post it let me know.


Saturday, December 3, 2016