Friday, February 26, 2016

Judging. Is it ok and or how do we apply it to ourselves?

Brothers and Sisters,
We are all Gods Children, so that is why we as Mormons address each other in such a manner.
I want to see what other people views are on the following scriptures from the New Testament and The Book of Mormon. I really hope to hear from others on this one. I will gladly try to answer anyone who response to this post. I want all my friends to view and comment on this post form my blog. I need to know if I am truly learning what my Savoir Jesus Christ wants me to learn and to pass it on to who maybe looking for answers.
So following are the verses:

* Matthew 7:Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Luke 6: 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

John 7: 24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

3 Nephi 14: 1-2, 7-11 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words he turned again to the multitude, and did open his mouth unto them again, saying: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Judge not, that ye be not judged.

 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

 Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

 8 For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.

 9 Or what man is there of you, who, if his son ask bread, will give him a stone?

 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

 11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
What or how are we to apply this to our own lives. I have gone back and forth on judging. I think if I can judge the act and not the person then apply my "judgement" onto myself then it is OK. Also sometimes depending on ones charge in this life it is necessary to judge. As a father of 6 children I have had to judge activities others may of been enjoying and then decide for myself if I thought I should attend and have the same activity in my or my family's life.
OK everyone it is your turn to add to this blog. 
*Footnote: Scriptures posted here are copied and pasted from 


  1. Hi Kevin! I think this is a very. Interesting lesson. Judgement. We make judgements constantly. Right or wrong, we do and we must as a safeguard. We see a person hitch hiking and we make a judgemental call as to whether or not we will help. Is he really in need of a ride? Will I be safe if I do? And so on. How about the beggar? Will he use it for food or hop in his Mercedes and go buy booze or drugs? (Real story) How about in school? A girl is called all types of awful names, questioning her parentage and innocence. But really she doesn't say anything cos she is getting beat up at home. But other kids won't know this. They will just perpetuate the name calling. That's judgemental.
    How about at church? Don't dress the best? You might be snubbed. Having trouble with the Word of Wisdom? You won't be asked out to socialize. Wrong? Probably. But it's always human nature. Some people will look down in others to make themselves feel important. No right but it is done more and more as the world spirals downward into wickedness. Others just don't want to associate with anyone that isn't as 'perfect' as they.
    The answer is to pray for and cultivate the pure love of Christ. Our only hope.
    As to calling each other brother and sister. I have a problem with that. I was raised VERY Roman Catholic for 25 years. Sisters were nuns that hit your knuckles with a ruler, looked like penguins and had absolute power over you. Brothers were monks. I have tried to use these monikers. I usually introduce myself as Pam Gott. I have trouble with Sister Gott. I usually address others by their name. I feel it gives them a sense of person and uniqueness and makes them feel good about themselves. But that's just me.
    I'm sure you knew everything I just said because you're very smart. But I hope I said something thst was useful to you. (This is the short version)

  2. Pam (Sister) Gott,
    Thank you for your response to my post. I find it so very interesting how we all see things differently. This is what I find interesting about life in general. I use the terms Sister or Brother as a sign of respect just as I would Mr. or Mrs. But if you like I will start to address you as Pam when I see you.
    Brother Carroll (Kevin)

  3. Br. Carroll,

    Thank you for sharing your blog post for our Putting It All Together Show and Tell Board. I have been pondering over these same verses as well. I have learned some hard truths about myself as I've tried to become more like the Savior. I am working right now on my judgments of those around me. I notice that when I make a judgment at the time I am trying to justify my opinion or ease my conscience for not wanting to help at the time. I am thankful for this awareness. Even though it seems I try and try again to not judge another individual, I fall short. What I am working on now is to shorten the time it takes for me to repent. I would like to become soft hearted and ask Heavenly Father for forgiveness sooner than I have been when I make a judgment one another person.

    I found what has great affect on me is reading in my scriptures daily. When I read in the scriptures I am reminded of what the Savior has asked me to do. (Keeping the commandments) Reading daily helps me to soften my heart sooner. I like to keep working on being honest with myself. When I am honest I am able to see things as they really are. I hope this helps, thank you for sharing your blog with our Religion Class.

    Your fellow Pathway classmate,
    Jamie Lynn Delavan

    1. Thank you Sister Delavan,
      We all do this to some extent. Our lead student made a great comment about turning the judgement around and see how we can apply what we see or think to our own lives and then we can grow from there.
      Brother Carroll

  4. Br. Carrol,

    That is wonderful counsel. I've done that once before with an individual I was judging for judging others. It was a wake up call that I was being hypocritical. I think I will apply this concept to other areas I'm judgmental in. Thank you!

